
The ability to implement and maintain the Y2TEC program involves plans for funding (likely from multiple funding sources). Here are some tips to help you acquire funding and develop an action plan to fund and sustain the program for your organization.

​​​Develop a Reimbursement and Sustainability Plan

Sustainability refers to the ability to maintain programming and its benefits over time. A resource for building capacity for sustainability is the Program Sustainability and Assessment Tool developed by the Center for Public Health Systems Science at the Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis ( This tool helps program planners achieve the following:

1) Understand factors that influence a program’s capacity for sustainability

2) Assess the program’s capacity for sustainability

3) Review results from the assessment

4) Plan to increase the likelihood of sustainability by developing an action plan

Action Plan

Achieving sustainability typically involves both applying for grants and accessing available reimbursement options. Some possible options are listed below as a starting point to explore:

  • Private insurance and Medicaid in some states may cover Y2TEC services.
  • Using Medicaid Behavioral Health carve-out is a possible option.
  • To offset costs, some AIDS Drugs Assistance Programs (ADAPs) will pay for private insurance plans for clients.

- RWHAP-funded organizations may receive technical assistance on health coverage options from the Access, Care, and Engagement Technical Assistance (ACE TA) Center (

- Additional source options for funding include state/county departments of public health, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration), and the CDC (Center for Disease Control)

Obtaining Funding One Page Document