Intervention Delivery

Y2TEC Intervention Overview

The intervention is comprised of 12 half-hour video-counseling sessions and two-way text messaging with counselors to address barriers to HIV care engagement and medication adherence in young adults ages 18-29 with HIV. The breakdown for the 12 intervention sessions is outlined below:

Integrated Approach

Y2TEC takes an integrated approach by discussing HIV care, mental health, and substance use across sessions. Sessions are tailored for participants based on assessment response frequency and severity in areas of HIV knowledge, mental health symptoms, and substance use. Core sessions focus on HIV care, mental health, and substance use. Menu session options are collaboratively chosen from a variety of topics including romantic and sexual relationships, family of origin, social support, identity, disclosure, and current political climate.

Theoretical Framework

Based on the Information, Motivation, and Behavior skills model using psychoeducation, health education, motivational interviewing, and problem-solving therapy to help young adults identify and address barriers to HIV care engagement.


Counselors are trained by clinical supervisors in roles and responsibilities, telehealth guidelines, crisis intervention protocols, and delivery methods using the Y2TEC manual and role-plays.

The Y2TEC manual is a comprehensive guide to delivering Y2TEC successfully in your organization.

Download the Free Y2TEC Manual